Object Lock (Beta)

Beta Service Release

S3-Compatible Object Lock is currently available as pre-production beta and may not be suitable for all production environments.

Please refer to our Terms of Service for more information on release definitions.



Storj is currently developing Object Versioning (Beta). As part of that development, we have released an early Beta Service Release, which includes S3-Compatible Object Lock, that can be used to evaluate the functionality.

Beta Opt-In Instructions

To gain access to S3-compatible Object Lock, you'll need to opt into the Object Versioning Beta following the steps below:

You need to opt in to the object versioning beta separately for each project.

  1. Login to the Storj web console
  2. Navigate to the desired project
  3. If you haven't already dismissed the prompt, you will be prompted to enable the object versioning beta.
  4. If you do not see the prompt you can navigate to the project settings, where you can opt into the beta:
    • Click the project name, then Project Settings
    • Scroll down to the Features section and click "Learn more" under Object Versioning (Beta)
    • Enable versioning

Enabling Object Lock on a Bucket

Object Lock is not backwards compatible with existing buckets—a new bucket must be created to enable Object Lock.

Additionally, PutObjectLockConfiguration is not supported yet, so Object Lock can only be enabled during bucket creation and cannot be added afterward.

  1. Navigate to Browse on the left side menu.

  2. Click on the New Bucket button.

  3. Assign the bucket an easily identifiable name, such as "my-bucket".

  4. Optional: Enable Object Lock (required for immutability in many applications).

  5. Optional: Enable Object Versioning (note that this will be enabled by default if Object Lock is enabled)

  6. Click Create bucket


  • When will Object Lock be fully released?
    • We are actively working on Governance Mode and Legal Hold and plan to add them to the beta by as soon as they are ready.
    • The full feature set will be released as generally available some time after the beta is feature complete
  • Why would I test this Beta?
    • If you plan to conduct a proof of concept or want to test a a pre-production instance of an integration that utilizes object lock.
  • How do I test the Beta?
    • See instructions above
  • Why doesn't the initial version support Governance Mode and Legal Hold?
    • Our initial goal was to implement the most common S3 features regarding immutability and deliver them as quickly as possible, which led us to focus on the strictest form of object lock: Compliance Mode.
    • We are actively working on Governance Mode, Legal Hold, and the PutObjectLockConfiguration action and will add them to the beta as soon as they are ready
  • How do I give feedback or request features related to Object Lock?

Technical Details

New S3 Actions Supported:

ActionAPI DescriptionDescription of Change(s)


Gets the object lock configuration for a bucket.

Will return the ObjectLockConfiguration with ObjectLockEnabled either as Enabled or empty.

Rule will not be included as a response element as specifying a bucket-level object Lock rule is initially out of scope.

PutObjectRetentionPlaces an object retention configuration on an object.The only value supported for Mode is COMPLIANCE as Governance Mode is initially out of scope.
GetObjectRetentionRetrieves an object's retention settings.

Existing S3 Actions Updated

ActionAPI DescriptionDescription of Change(s)
CreateBucketCreates a new bucket.CreateBucket will now accept the following request parameter:
  • x-amz-bucket-object-lock-enabled
HeadObjectRetrieves metadata from an object without returning the object itself.HeadObject will now return:
  • Mode (only Compliance is supported initially) that is currently in place for the requested object
  • Date/time that the object's lock will expire
GetObjectRetrieves an object from a bucket.GetObject will now return:
  • Mode (only Compliance is supported initially) that is currently in place for the requested object
  • Date/time that the object's lock will expire


Adds an object to a bucket.

PutObject will now:

  • Prevent locked object versions from being overwritten

PutObject will now accept the following request parameters:

  • x-amz-object-lock-mode (only Compliance is supported initially)
  • x-amz-object-lock-retain-until-date
CopyObjectCreates a copy of an object that is already stored on Storj.CopyObject will now accept the following request parameters:
  • x-amz-object-lock-mode (only Compliance is supported initially)
  • x-amz-object-lock-retain-until-date


This action initiates a multipart upload and returns an upload ID.

CreateMultipartUpload will now accept the following request parameters:

  • x-amz-object-lock-mode (only Compliance is supported initially)
  • x-amz-object-lock-retain-until-date

Storj has a unique object level TTL. Any request that has both a TTL and a retention period will be rejected to prevent TTL's from conflicting with object lock retention periods.

DeleteBucketDeletes the specified bucket.Forced deletion of a bucket with locked objects will be prevented.
DeleteObjectRemoves an object from a bucket.Deletion of an object with a retention set will be prevented.

Actions not yet available (currently in active development)

ActionAPI DescriptionDescription of Change(s)


Enables Object Lock configuration on a bucket.

ObjectLockEnabled: Indicates if Object Lock is enabled on the bucket.

Rule: Specifies the Object Lock rule (mode and period) for the bucket. The period can be either Days or Years.

GetObjectLegalHoldRetrieves the Legal Hold status of an object.
PutObjectLegalHoldApplies a Legal Hold to the specified object.
Multipart Part Size